Our Commercial Gas Team carry out repairs and maintenance for Barnet Homes, so when Tim Blanc, Head of Community Engagement, asked us if we would like to sponsor the 10th Anniversary of the Urban Gamez and come along, we were more than happy to oblige.
Stewart Attersal – Purdy, Commercial Gas Contract Manager
Matt Diebelius – Purdy, Commercial Gas Supervisor
Kane Morris – Purdy, Commercial Supervisor
The Commercial Gas Team, Stewart Attersal, Matt Diebelius, Kane Morris, Sara Savatteri and Keanu Wheeler-Hamm will all be attending the gamez on Friday 26th August along with Nerhan Yilmaz and Lucy Venables from HR.
Nerhan Yimaz – Kinovo, Group HR Recruitment and Training Administrator
Lucy Venables – Kinovo, Group HR Administrator