Robyn Bates and Olivia Harris

Ashley Muggleton
Purdy Contracts have been working alongside Hertford Regional College (HRC) to introduce apprentices into Purdy Head office, Brooklyn Lodge. It was decided that Purdy wanted to offer the opportunity to local members of the community.
In April 2021, Purdy Contracts introduced Olivia Harris into the business as a Contract Administrator – Apprentice, working on the Peabody Contract, whilst studying on her Level 3 Standard in Business Administration apprenticeship. From the offset Olivia settled extremely well within the business, building a great rapport with her peers at Purdy head office and our clients, however Olivia very quickly moved department to Purdy’s ‘Domestic Gas Department’ due to continued growth within the Purdy business. Olivia has excelled in her role and is an invaluable member of the team.
Olivia Harris “I am doing an apprenticeship in business administration with Purdy’s and so far, this has been fantastic. From day one, all the staff have been so welcoming and supportive! There’s a real family vibe within the office every day.
As well as undertaking great training for the job, my mentor and various other members of staff have been supportive with helping me complete my college work too
I feel a great sense of drive when thinking about where my future will lead to and doing this apprenticeship with Purdy’s has given me the ability to start off on this journey and give me a clear direction of how I can grow within the company and grow myself during the process.”
Due to the success of Olivia’s on-boarding, Purdy decided to adopt this approach further and continue their partnership with HRC with offering another apprenticeship position. In June 2021, Robyn Bates joined the British Gas Team within Purdy Contracts, also completing her Level 3 Standard in Business Administration apprenticeship. Since Joining Purdy’s, Robyn has really developed as a person and is now a great support to her peers within the team – Robyn takes a lead role in on-boarding new Sub-Contractors for the British Gas Contract, as part of this she is responsible for the day-to-day oversight and compliance documentation for them. Robyn has been the missing piece to the puzzle within the team since the British Gas department expanded.
Robyn Bates “I am a Business Administrator Apprentice for Purdy Contracts part of Kinovo. I feel privileged to be part of a very inclusive and hardworking organisation. The skills I have developed so far are my organisation and communication skills, ensuring I meet customer needs and exceed the company’s expectations. I have always wanted to work and do a good job which this apprenticeship is providing me with alongside the skills, knowledge and qualifications I need in order to do so. My work colleagues are very encouraging and friendly, which helps as it was nerve-racking when I first started working here, but I now feel settled and content. I am continuously expanding my knowledge and gaining confidence due to the support from my team.”
Finally, in August 2021, Purdy again worked alongside with HRC to on-board another apprentice, Sara Savatteri, within the Commercial Gas Team, at Purdy Head Office – Sara is also undertaking a Level 3 Standard in Business Administration apprenticeship. Sara is our most recent apprentice to on-board and is settling in extremely well with her colleagues, learning the business and supporting where she can whilst she is brought up to speed with the commercial gas contracts. Sara said “I am really enjoying my time at Purdy so far; everyone has made me feel welcome and supported and I feel that I have developed as a person personally and professionally”